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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Starting a new job?

Hello again!

Tomorrow I will be starting a new job, and we all know have nerve-racking that can be! I'll be working in this job to save some money before I go to school in a few months. I'm feeling slightly nervous, so I thought I'd share some tips I use to try and stay calm. Also, to give myself a confidence boost! Before starting a brand new job!

1. Your new and everyone knows it!
I know this sounds harsh, but it's the truth and it's not a bad thing! Use this to your advantage, you and everyone else knows that you don't exactly know what your doing for the first few weeks. It's going to take some time to learn everything and to know exactly what to do in your new job. It's okay to make mistakes! Your coworkers will be forgiving, and will be able to show the way if you should need help.

2. Be friendly and make conversation!
This is so important, even if you have to step out of your comfort zone. By giving a smile and saying "Hello, I'm _____! How are you?" your breaking down a wall that leaves you more open to people. Coworkers get nervous too when someone new starts, nobody knows what the new person will be like. If your friendly and open, you'll be putting your coworkers at ease and making the first day for you slightly easier.

3.Be yourself!
I know everyone says that and it sounds so cliché, but it is the best thing you can do. You want your new coworkers to get to know you, not a fake version of you. The longer you work there, the more comfortable you will become. Real pieces of you will be exposed, like your favourite tv show or the fact the you hate cheese! It will be easier if you have this mind set from the very start. 

4. Ignore the negativity!
There is always going to be someone who gives off negative vibes, and a lot of the time it has nothing to do with you. Even if it may seem like it, just avoid these people as much as you can. When you do have to interact with these people, squash it with kindness! Honestly, sometimes people just need a hug or some kind words. Also, if people are being intently rude to you nothing will drive them crazy more then you not reacting and being kind back. They won't be getting the reaction they want, so eventually they will give up. If the negativity doesn't stop, talk to something who can deal with it in the workplace.

5.Make an extra effort and pay it forward!
This is such a great tip for the work place, I had a friend tell me about this and it really does make a difference! If that means buying coffee that day or bringing a treat or grabbing your coworkers plate on the way to the sink! People will remember it and be grateful, even if sometimes they may not seem like it! Your being a good person by doing those things, and that's a good thing to be! :)

Well, I hope these tips help! Give them a try in your current job too! 

All my social media links are below! 



Instagram: @kaitlynshepel

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